Adult Education Campaign

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79500 159000 238500 318000 397500 477000 556500 636000 715500

Campaign Content

Provide disaster relief by raising money online to support victims of natural disasters. Tragedy can strike so quickly, but often times aid and support move more slowly. Individuals and organizations alike use Cyber Fundraiser to quickly raise money online and provide disaster relief to those in need. With a donation Plugin from Cyber Fundraiser, you can instantly broadcast your request for support on Facebook & Twitter for immediate results.

Cyber Fundraiser is the quickest and easiest way to provide disaster relief by raising money online for victims of emergencies and natural disasters. Just purchase and get a customizable donation functionality within minutes.
Inviting supporters to your online donation page is easy using Cyber Fundraiser sharing tools. Easily post updates about your Project to Facebook & Twitter to help you raise more money online.

Raising money during the time of a disaster can help with:

  • Rebuilding Homes/City
  • Food
  • Gas
  • Clean Water
  • Clothing
  • Flashlights
  • Plane/Bus/Transportation Tickets
  • Temporary Relocation
  • Shelter
  • Furniture
  • Batteries
  • Generators
  • Heaters
  • Childcare
  • Animal Assistance
  • Medical Attention
  • Emotional Support

Campaign Details

Goal USD 795000
Starting Date 01/11/17
Closing Date 02/28/20

Campaign Countdown

Campaign Short Description

The above are just thought-starters of what might be needed during a disaster, but the reality is that every situation will have a different set of needs, which is why the ability to customize your fundraising site is so important. With Cyber Fundraiser you can customize your fundraising site in the most personal way possible ( Like Drag n Drop Blocks ) so that it’s truly a reflection of the situation at hand and the help that is so urgently needed

USD 795,000.00
USD 715,500.00
USD 636,000.00
USD 556,500.00
USD 477,000.00
USD 397,500.00
USD 318,000.00
USD 238,500.00
USD 159,000.00
USD 79,500.00
USD 0.00

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